Friday, August 26, 2011

Show and tell

Grades: 7th (3 minutes) and 8th (5 minutes)
Points: 1.0


Choose an object that is special to you. It can be an object that has sentimental value. Prepare an oral presentation about this object. Why is it special? Where did you get it from? How long have you have it? Tell me that you are doing this presentation so I can assign a date. On the day I assign, bring the object and talk about it. In English (obviously). If you talk for less time than required, you will not get the full point.

Important note: you must memorize your presentation. You cannot read.

Here is an example of what a Show and Tell looks like: 

These children are learning English too!

How to earn extra points

The objective of this blog is to help you get extra points on your grades. At the top of each proposed activity, you will find the amount of points you will gain and the grade for which it is intended (remember I teach 7th and 8th Grades). You must carry out the activity in your English Notebook, in the section called "Class and Exercises" and present within one week of the date the activity you want to improve was handed back to you (debes presentarla en tu cuaderno de inglés en la sección "Class and Exercises" antes de que pase una semana de haber recibido de vuelta la actividad cuya nota deseas mejorar). Activities will not be received after that time, unless you have had a justifiable absence. 

If you think the activities are too hard and you are in 8th Grade, you may do the ones intended for 7th, but you will get half the points.

If you are in 7th Grade and want a more challenging activity, you may do the ones meant for 8th Grade and you will get twice as many points.

Work hard and have a great school year!

Welcome Eighth Graders!!

Welcome back to a new school year. I see many familiar faces in my classroom, as well as many new faces. It doesn't matter if you're old of new: each of you is a present the Lord sends me. This year we will have even more fun than last year, learning, sharing experiences and growing. It is my personal goal to prepare you fully for Ninth Grade and for life. I wish you success and enthusiasm so you can work very hard this year too.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome Seventh Graders!!

Welcome to a new class, to a new teacher, to new partners and to many new beginnings. This year we will have many things to learn and discuss and many chances to grow and improve. My objective for you is that every item you learn, you learn thoroughly, understanding every aspect of it. My wish for you is to inspire you to be better students, better learners and better human beings. It will be my task to guide you in this learning process and to make sure that no student is left behind.  For this reason, I present to you this blog, full of activities to help your learning process and to help you improve your grades. Use it frequently and have fun!!!